Sunday, 6 October 2013


 Terminal is the place for interchange different mode of transportation and also can maintenance   depot.

=airport terminal= a building at an airport

=bus terminal=a bus station

=container terminal=a facility which handles shippiung containers and cargo

=ferry terminal=a facility for bring passengers and vehicles

=shipping terminal=sea port

=railroad terminal=have a railway that bring passengers and cargo



Incoterm are agreement between seller and buyer. Its about a delivery of goods in international transaction from the seller to the buyer.This incoterm can makes transaction are more easily to both party. Their must agree as what it is in that agreement. This incoterm also can change ownership from the seller to the buyer base on the agreement and their must agree about it. Its like base on agreement, the both party will choose what the term their will use. Their will take a risk, cost of transportation,and insurance base on their agreement in incoterm. It can easy to identify where the location should seller or buyers takes a risk and responsibilities of transportation. Without incoterm, gross profit on international transaction cannot be determined.


Ex Works ( EXW)

Seller just have responsibilities to the goods until the goods are packaging at factory of seller's place. After that buyers must responsibilities for cost of transportation, risk, and insurance.

Free Carrier (FCA)

Seller just have responsibilities to the goods until the goods are put in the lorry at the seller's place.
After that buyers must responsibilities for costs of transportation, risk, and insurance.

Free Alongside Ship (FAS)

Seller just have responsibilities to the goods until the goods are loading at port of shipment at the seller's place.After that buyers must responsibilities for costs of transportation, risk, and insurance.

Free On Board (FOB)

Seller just have responsibilities to the goods until the goods are put in a ship at port of seller's place.After that buyers must responsibilities for costs of transportation, risk, and insurance.

Cost and Freight (CFR)

Seller just have responsibilities a costs of goods until a goods in a ship at port of customer's place. After that buyers must responsibilities it.For a risk and insurance, a seller must responsibilities until a goods in a ship at port of seller's place. Then the buyers will responsibilities it.

Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)

Seller just have responsibilities a costs of goods until a goods in a ship at port of customer's place. After that buyers must responsibilities it.For a risk and insurance, a seller must responsibilities until a goods in a ship at port of seller's place. Then the buyers will responsibilities it.

Carriage Paid To (CPT)

Seller just have responsibilities a costs of goods until a goods arrive at terminal charges of buyer's place. After that buyers must responsibilities it. For a risk and insurance, a seller must responsibilities until a goods are put in the lorry at seller's place. Then the buyers will responsibilities it.

Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP)

Seller just have responsibilities a costs and insurance of goods until a goods arrive at terminal charges of buyer's place. After that buyers must responsibilities it. For a risk of goods, a seller must responsibilities until a goods are put in the lorry at seller's place. Then the buyers will responsibilities it.

Delivery Duty Paid (DDP)

Seller have responsibilities a costs,risk,and insurance of goods until a goods are put in the lorry at seller's place.Then the buyers will responsibilities it.

Delivery At Place (DAP)

Same with DDP. Seller have responsibilities a costs,risk,and insurance of goods until a goods are put in the lorry at seller's place.Then the buyers will responsibilities it.

Delivery At Terminal (DAT)

Seller have responsibilities a costs,risk,and insurance of goods until a goods are arrive at terminal charges of buyer's place.Then the buyers will responsibilities it.

Friday, 4 October 2013

..Market Structure..

Type of Market Structure:

  1. Oligopoly
  • Only few large seller in market (their quantity can calculated)
  • Difficult exist and entry market but not difficult as perfect monopolitic competition
  • pricing influenced by other oligopoly firm
  • It has subtitute product 
  • In long run super normal
  • Price are determine by two ways
                            - competitor pricing
                            - cartel (associated) < --  IATA ( body that determines the price )
  • For example :
                           - Air Asia, Firefly, Air Lines
                           - Celcom , Digi, Mobile
                           - Tesco, Giant, Crefore
                           - Petronas, Petron etc

   2. Monopolitic Competition
  • Many buyer in market
  • Many seller in market but not many as perfect competition
  • Product not homogeneous but differentiated physically ( creativity, design, types of material used ) or psychology ( advertising, publisity, ranking )
  • Free entry and exist a market but not easy as perfect competition
  • Existance of known price competition. 
  • One firm can lower the price without effecting other
  • For example: 
                          - Detergen
                          - Flour
                          - Cooking oil

    3. Perfect Monopolitic Competition
  • Single seller and large buyer
  • For example:
                         - KTMB
                         - ASTRO
                         - TNB
  • Put in any price,but the customer will still be paying
  • Corncern a sports
  • Product not subtitute (water, and electricity)
  • the constraints into the market 
                           - High capital cost
                           - regulation varience
                           - control over raw materials
                           - in the long run , firm will obtain supernormal profit because their price maker

    4. Pure Competition / Perfect Competition
  • Large number of sellers and buyers ( too many customrs )
  • Price determine by market ( market determined prices )   
  • Product are homogeneous
  • The buyer cannot identified which suppliers the product come from
  • Free regulation varience and low capital ( free entry and exist a market )
  • Many competitor
  • For example:
                       - Supermarket's
                       - Restaurant's